Some questions I may ask after I finish making a number line is how do I equate it? It seems very hard, like confusing but actually you all have to do is find the slope. The Slope is like a scale, but shown on the grid  like it grids the paper. And it shows how it increase the amount or decreased the amount. When You find the slope, There are many ways to find it by using a grid paper, an equation, and some other stuff. The grid helps the whole process of fid out what increased. It is really easy when you try to get the hang of it. When you find it, sometimes you have to use slope to find out where to put the dot on the grid paper. When you do this math kind of problem you always have to use grid paper, and most of the time use slope.

 When You use the grid paper, when your done with the certain problem, there is always gonna be a straight line that you connect to form the grid process. To do that you have to do all the work, and then you connect it all together in one big line. If a straight doesn't form, or if it just curves a little, it means you did something wrong in your problem and mess up the Slope. You would have to start all over again, the whole process of this to create a vertical straight line and see whether it shall increase or decrease. When you get a straight line on the grid, it means you god the answer right and it is correct. You can eventually go and head onto the rest of the problems. And make more Slopes on your grid paper and Do your best.