Have you ever done negative numbers, like putting them on the numberlines. Putting them from least to greatest. Well right now I am coverting negative numbers also, but their not ordinary numbers, they are negative exponents. Negative exponents are kinda same as regular exponents but the negative is leaster. When you see a negative exponent, don't think that is going to be the answer. You have to solve the exponential order and find your answer, and to do that you have to solve some problems. Like if you wanted to find what the negative exponent is, you have to multiply the exponents to the power of it and that is how you find your answer.
                       It can be the same, but their is other ways of the problem can look like, It can be in a fraction form also. Those are more challenging becasue , they are converted with the exponents also. When you want to solve the fraction types of negative exponents, you have to solve them a certain way to find your right answer, it is not the same as regular negative fractions, this one is different by have a power. Now the powetr can be anything, but if the power was bigger by a negatve number, then your answer can give you a clue to tell you that your answer is gonna be the oppisite of greater.
                       When you find your answer, and it looks wierd, trust me it can look wierd because your exponent can be a zero. When you solve those type of problems with a negative exponent or even in fraction formation, they have to have a main power. If there is none, it has to be converted with a zero to make your answer stated correctly.                                    
                 Have you guys ever heard of exponets? well onloy sixth grade and up should know. Exponets are a certain type of math, they show how many numbers their are instead of writing or typing out a whole problem when you can just put a number of how many there are which are called exponets. Exponets, I think are very useful because with out them, math would have been more harder, and longer. Exponets can be solve very quickly. When exponets are used they aren't just used in any math you want to be used in, They can only be used in multiplication or division.
When exponets are solve dont just multiply it by the number and its self and the number next to it. You haev to mulitply the number by itself so for example, If there was a number three and a exponet of two. Its not gonna be six, It would be three, because you mulitply the number by itself not the number around you becasue you would get it wrong. That's probably the most confusing thing about exponets.
                They are confusing, because some people muliply the numbers arpund ot, when your not supposed to. Your supposed to multiply it by itself. Exponets are mostly used in equations, or algebra. They can be easy to help in those types of problems because they can be able to help other people solve and find the equation more better, So that is why Exponents are useful in a math problem but only in division.