Grand Canyon Represents the whole Biggest part of Earth. It Affects People By Showing Them That It Is One Of Th Most Deep. It Is Located Somewhere In Arizona. It Is So deep that If you go down there, you would need some airplane, or helicopter to come and save you becasue there's one way in and one way out. Some people can't even survive if they go dow there, it causes you not being able to breathe, so mind asw well die. It would be surprissing to hear that if someone went down there, they came back by thereselves. That would be a miracle. But some people when they want to go and look at the Grand Canyon they just go to look and admire it, They can't climb down there or nothing. Besides it's super hot in Arizona, And so is the Grand Canyon.
                   It is like a desert there. Some animals aren't able to survive, most of them die, the only ones that could probably survive there is camels, and lizards and other insects. Most birds die too because there is less water there. The Grand Canyon is just like a bowl of rocks. It has huge giant rocks. It is so cool but so super duper duper puper hot there.
                     Peppered Moths are just like any other moths. Their predator is birds, there are different types of Peppered Moths like white ones and the dark ones. The dark ones are the most likely one to die because they are the dark ones, and their predators like the birds are more likely to feed on them more then the light ones because you can't really see the moths at night, and plus the birds go to sleep and they aren't able to catch the white Peppered Moths anyways. The dark Peppered Moths are now becoming extinct because of this happening, it's effecting the dark Peppered Moths lives because they are getting eaten and eaten even more. 
                    I believe that to save the dark Peppered Moths, they should go and create more of their species to a different place so that they can start the new lives, well they actually need to go to a place where there are less birds to feed on them. But then when you actually think about it, without the moths, birds wouldn't have the moths to feed on. But it doesn't really matter because the birds have other insects to feed on besides the Peppered Moths like caterpillars, worms, crickets, etc.
When the moths are able to create more of their species, they can go to wherever they want. They can also create more of their species by having two different colored Peppered Moths to mate and reproduce more worms so that their kind wouldn't pass out

                     Competition, In science we learn that in competition is that with it, it can object a lot of species for many things, like animals, humans, and plants. Evolution shows that the things around the things can be able to grow. Larger, so it shall not extinct. In the evolution, it can help animals, human and other societies and their habitats. There is no problem for them to do such a thing like that because it can help the whole animal species grow even larger into this world. That is why some animals that aren't the same species mate and create a new type of specie into this enviroment and created a different one from the parents. That is like creating a more species for the environment to come to an evolutionary resource for scientist to make such a statement
When The animals are having a competition, it's like seeing who can make the largest. The bestest. With that many animals grow more because I mean who wouldn't want to win it for the evolutionary policy. And with that the evolution of there species will grow even larger for it's sake that the competition should end and have a big society. 
When the larger amount of speciest contain to there part of world, Their species should also go and live in the habitat and create a larger amount of what is being made in its society because it should be contained like that.
                   Evolutionary republic can also help make there space larger because they can absolutley. Many animals, or beetles for example, have more then one thousand species. That shows that, that beetle absolutley change its evolution pretty good, for the way that it grew. 
That's probably one of the most largest groups there is out there, and birds also do cound with the evolution, because they had many competitions with other birds and gain many evolutionary policy with there habitat and their species.
                  In science, we had to do this one project and all you need was a blue paper, a chart so you can put you punnent squares and a yellow piece of paper. The project wasn't really that hard, The first thing we had to do was fill out the chart with genes by using a penny to flip the coin so you know what your genotype of gene goes in the chart for your punnent square. 
You know whether how your Paper family pet project would end up looking like because you just use the genotype of punnent squares that you listed on your chart to see how you Parents look like. Then after all that you just use the penny to use different combinations of features that the paper family pets kids would end up looking like.
               When your finished listing all those genotypes on the chart, you put the features of the genes on the pets of what their features should look like. You do that by looking at the chart and grouping them in the way the pets should look like, like its' body features. Then after all that we got all those pets and put them up on a piece of paper.
              We weren't all that done yet because we had to put them from the first to last. The paper also didn't have to be in the same color either. It just all depended on the chart of the punnet squares of genotypes. 
This can also work in real life. Using the genotypes putting them on a chart also can work in real life because you just listr all the feautures you have from each of your parents, and you can figure out who's feature you got the genotype from and how. 
Using this is also very helpful to scientist.