So like, I can't wait until it hits Summer Break, and we have no more school. It's gonna be awesome. When it's summer break I'm gonna be going out with my friends a lot and go shopping ,and it's just gonna be great. I finally get to spend a night at my friends house, that I haven't seen in a very long time. When I go to their houses it's gonna be really  fun, We can talk about all the great times we missed out on because we don't go to the same schools. When I get out of school, my mom said I get to dye my hair even more red, like exactly the color red. It's gonna be great because I get to see my cousin that is coming from Germany, I haven't seen her in so long it's been like six years, the last time I saw her was like when I was seven years old. 
She gets to meet my boyfriend and my other cousins boyfriend, because my cousin from Germany is bringing her boyfriend to come with her for the Summer to be with us. He Hardly even knew English but every since my cousin got with him, he starting to speak it more fluently. My cousin knows like four languages, like Laos, German, French, English, Spanish, and Sign Langauge. She's pretty insane

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