When I was younger I had many ghost experiences. When I was about the age of eight, that was when I had my first ghost experience. When me, my mom, and brother went out of town to San Francisco. We stayed at my aunts house. When everyone was asleep, I heard my brother crying, I thought he had a bad dream or something so I tapped him on his shoulder and said are you okay. He was awake for sure because he grabbed on my arm really hard and started crying. I was like what's wrong Brandon, he said he saw a girl on the wall. At first I didn't Wanna hear him saying that, matter as fact I didn't Wanna hear him say that at all! He scared the living out of me, like I tried to wake up my mom, but she didn't wake up, so I remember that when I was younger my grandpa always taught me how to pray to make the ghost go away, Well it's not like praying but it's chanting. So then I chanted in Lao, when I was done my brother said that the ghost went away. The next day we spent a night again because eventually we had too. I told my mom and aunt what had happened, they said I was having a bad dream, but I knew I wasn't. I even told them that my brother saw her too. But still they said that he was a baby, babies cry. I was irritated that day, but then when we went to sleep that night, the next morning my mom was scared because she told us that when she was sleeping, we slept on the air mattress, that she saw a girl sliding criss cross across my mom. We told my aunt she didnt believe us until she saw it too, so now 

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