Some questions I may ask after I finish making a number line is how do I equate it? It seems very hard, like confusing but actually you all have to do is find the slope. The Slope is like a scale, but shown on the grid  like it grids the paper. And it shows how it increase the amount or decreased the amount. When You find the slope, There are many ways to find it by using a grid paper, an equation, and some other stuff. The grid helps the whole process of fid out what increased. It is really easy when you try to get the hang of it. When you find it, sometimes you have to use slope to find out where to put the dot on the grid paper. When you do this math kind of problem you always have to use grid paper, and most of the time use slope.

 When You use the grid paper, when your done with the certain problem, there is always gonna be a straight line that you connect to form the grid process. To do that you have to do all the work, and then you connect it all together in one big line. If a straight doesn't form, or if it just curves a little, it means you did something wrong in your problem and mess up the Slope. You would have to start all over again, the whole process of this to create a vertical straight line and see whether it shall increase or decrease. When you get a straight line on the grid, it means you god the answer right and it is correct. You can eventually go and head onto the rest of the problems. And make more Slopes on your grid paper and Do your best.

                  So, you have a 12 liter pack of Mountain Dew, and a 33 ounce pack each of that too. Which one do you think is better? Well in my research, I believe the best amount you can possibly choose is the 33 ounce because the 12 liter soda pack doesn't have 33 ounce in each can like the 33 ounce of soda pack. If you have a 33 ounce liter can, with 12 can of it, add them all up and you get a larger amount the a regular pack of soda pack.
                   When I did this research, well actually I didn't do research, I actually kinda experimented instead. How? well first of all I bought a 12 cans of Mountain Dew, and I pour all of them into a same sized cup, but in 12 cups. Then I bought a 33 ounced liter of Mountain Dew and pour them into the cans that the old Mountain Dew used to be in, and measured it. The 33 ounce liter of Mountain Dew contained more Dew then the 12 pack of Mountain Dew.
                   So, my estimate of this project,experiment is that the 33 ounced liter 
    When it was semester one, I liked many things about it. All the subjects, and math and other type of learning stuff we learned in each class. My favorite subject during the first quarter was science because we did all the type of experiments. We baked cake and turned it into a DNA, we also made a DNA charm out of wires and beads. My favorite was when we worked with our partners and we had to build a DNA out of leggos. Well there like Leggos but they were fun anyways. During the semester, I also like art because we did alot of crafting and structure. It was also alot of fun because we got to work with our partners.
    When we were in art, my partner in structure was Josette. We made a life sized insect, not any insect but a wierd insect that has never been seen. We named our Poto Soto Vongo, we got that name because we combined both of our names together to give it a little interesting name. Throughout all Ms.Pishiones periods, me and Josttes art was the only art project that can talk. Yeah, we made our talk becasue we got this little voice recorder and recorded a little story of itself. We got extra credit becasue we told the story about it throughout the voice recorder. Most people just wrote a story and printed it out or had it hand written. 
     Ares was more cooler because we put more effort into our project. Well anyways throughout this whole semester, I had a good time with my friends to. I also joined volleyball, but Me and my friends didnt make the team, but we always knew that we can join 
                        Ever had any math struggles in class before ? Well I have, and It's not really fun.The number one thing I'm struggling in math is exponents. I mean I get exponents, I just don't like when they are in fractions. 
Fractions with exponents are hard, I just don't know how to solve them, All because of them, I have a F in math. Another one is negative numbers. I don't know how to do communitive property, even till this day. It's really hard, because there's all these type of numbers, and you just won't get it. It gets me all confuse and I don't even know where to start. Well I know where to start, It goes in order from multiplication to all the other operations of math. It's only easy when you solve the small math problems but when their all long it just gets really confusing.      
                         When I struggled with this math I didn't get, I quickly asked for help. It helped me a little, but I still didn't get as much as I learn with other types of math. Those types of math I just told you about are really difficult for me, and I think I need more help to gain more credit for my grades. I need to learn how to solve these type of math so I can get good grades, and have a good score on the soon to be CST.
                         My friends, some of them get it. But when I ask for help, they say it's to hard to explain, so tehy show me how to do it, but they don't explain it. That's one of the reasons why I'm not getting that I'm not getting that much help. Another type of math that I am messing up on is square roots. I get a little bit but I only screw up when it comes to big numbers. I understand if it's a small ammount of number, but when it is in the hundreds or thousands and you have to find the square roots it's just really confusing.       
              Have you ever heard of the Pythagorean Theorem ? Well it is a certain type of math that contains square roots, angles, and triangles and all these other type of math. It has the power of something. Pythagorean Theorem shows how many angles are in a root, without having the power of something
I it shows that the angle from inside can go on and on and on. When you do Pythagorean Theorem, you find how much of the angles inside the triangle is, and you see what the square roots are and you find it. Thats how you do it, then when you find its subtract it with the angles from each side, that you divided. Some people that never done this before are probably confused because when I first did it, I was really confused and didn't know what to do.
             When you have founded the Pythagorean Theorem, it helps you with your angles, triangles, square roots and all the other rest. Some people don't like to do this type of math because the hardest part to do with this type of math is trying to find what it means.
                           Do you know what a square root is? Square root is half of what a area is. For example you have a square with the are of thirty, and then you want to find the square root. Well then, if you wanna find that, you have to find the number that is multiplied by itself that equals the area of your shape. That is what a square root is, and plus square roots help the numbers that you want to stay in a small number but have a number to the power of something.
                         When you want to find a square root of a number, but the number is so long, yeah I agree. It will be harder to solve because, the number is so long it will be hard to figure out. Square roots can only be used when your doing shapes, or if you want the number to be smaller and easier to solve. Sometimes most people think that finding square roots are hard, but their actually fun to do, because it takes time to figure them out. 
                          When people solve it, they think to their self first what the whole area of the shape is by multiplying. The most common problem is finding the area of a equal square because everyone mostly knows the answer, Know why? Because the answer is going to be equal and when everyone learns about square roots, that problem always comes up as an example.Many people doin't like 
                     Have you ever done negative numbers, like putting them on the numberlines. Putting them from least to greatest. Well right now I am coverting negative numbers also, but their not ordinary numbers, they are negative exponents. Negative exponents are kinda same as regular exponents but the negative is leaster. When you see a negative exponent, don't think that is going to be the answer. You have to solve the exponential order and find your answer, and to do that you have to solve some problems. Like if you wanted to find what the negative exponent is, you have to multiply the exponents to the power of it and that is how you find your answer.
                       It can be the same, but their is other ways of the problem can look like, It can be in a fraction form also. Those are more challenging becasue , they are converted with the exponents also. When you want to solve the fraction types of negative exponents, you have to solve them a certain way to find your right answer, it is not the same as regular negative fractions, this one is different by have a power. Now the powetr can be anything, but if the power was bigger by a negatve number, then your answer can give you a clue to tell you that your answer is gonna be the oppisite of greater.
                       When you find your answer, and it looks wierd, trust me it can look wierd because your exponent can be a zero. When you solve those type of problems with a negative exponent or even in fraction formation, they have to have a main power. If there is none, it has to be converted with a zero to make your answer stated correctly.                                    
                 Have you guys ever heard of exponets? well onloy sixth grade and up should know. Exponets are a certain type of math, they show how many numbers their are instead of writing or typing out a whole problem when you can just put a number of how many there are which are called exponets. Exponets, I think are very useful because with out them, math would have been more harder, and longer. Exponets can be solve very quickly. When exponets are used they aren't just used in any math you want to be used in, They can only be used in multiplication or division.
When exponets are solve dont just multiply it by the number and its self and the number next to it. You haev to mulitply the number by itself so for example, If there was a number three and a exponet of two. Its not gonna be six, It would be three, because you mulitply the number by itself not the number around you becasue you would get it wrong. That's probably the most confusing thing about exponets.
                They are confusing, because some people muliply the numbers arpund ot, when your not supposed to. Your supposed to multiply it by itself. Exponets are mostly used in equations, or algebra. They can be easy to help in those types of problems because they can be able to help other people solve and find the equation more better, So that is why Exponents are useful in a math problem but only in division.
                        Mr.Kimbley assigened us to play a math game over the weekend. The game was somewhat fun and challenging at the same time. The whole game was fun, like the fractions and other work, But to me the hardest was the decimals. The decimals was the most hardest and confusiness. When I as solving one of the decimal problems, it would go on forever and even have big numbers to divide. My favorite was the fractions, The fractions came up with so many other problems like multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. All of those were easy just not the decimals. 
When I was playing the games, I had an option of choosing which kind of math I wanted to do. This honestly like playing a jepordy game. It was fun becasue my brother played with me, and he's only a third grader and he already liked doing seventh grade math. He said It was easy for him, so In my opinion I think this game is a really good learning equipment for other kids in different schools, It can really teach you alot in math.
                       My mom said I've gotten better in math every since I played that game. It can teach you other maths like Decimals, fraction, pre-algebra and more. You can choose the category you want to play, It's really your option. It can even help you in the typr of math you're not really good in. The most common one everyone does is the decimals, It is the most challenging for the other kids around you. Supposly, it is the hardest category, I agree but somewhat it is still easy, but I just like the farctions more because you have to do alot of work and it shows how much effort you put into your work. 
         Have you ever had to do math with all sorts of numberlines, and all those graphic numbers? well I have and some may be difficult, I'm doing a math work about numberlines with the irrational dot. The irrational dot means something, you can't just put it there if you even wanted to. You have to put it there for a meaning, well it depends on your answer on what you got. When you solve the answer, it's just finding what the letter means, like what number it is. It's just like prealgebra, well actually it is algebra. When your done finding your answer you have to graph it, not on a grapsheet but like graph it on the numberline. It it really easy at first because you just find what number is greater or lesser, that's another way to figure out if the number should have an irrational dot. When youn solve your problem , you have to use inverse operation, well you don't cleary have to but if you want to solve it faster and more easier then you do inverse operation, but If your that typr of person that likes to challenge themselves and work harder problems then don't use inverse operation, I warn you though, It can turn out to be difficult depending whether the problem is lonq or not. To me the hardest problems to solve is always the fractions with whole numbers. Those are called Mixed fractions, Mixed fractions can be turned into improper fraction which would make the problem less harder to solve so if you ever come up to a mixed fraction, you should turn it into a improper fraction, Itwould make it better for you and more simple. when you come up to an improper fraction, dont think that is going to be a fraction, It actually means to divide, but you can just multiply straight across based on how the problem is worked out. So when you do a irrational dot problem , you know what's best to do.