In math, I'm struggling on quite a few things, like trying to find the area, volume, and perimeter. It's not hard, but the most difficult thing about it for me is trying to memorize what each of them does. Like I forgot how to find the volume. Sad right? another thing is trying to do box and whiskers, I don't get it at all. I don't even get it that I can't even explain it. Another thing I am failing on in math is communicative property, and all that other junk. Like multiplicative property, addition of property. It's all confusing for me, I don't even know what it is, like how it is supposed to look. Another thing is trying to find the median, mode and other stuff. I don't get those at all, I mean I know how to solve them each, but I can't rememeber how to start to solve nad find a median. I can't rememeber how to find it, especially like trying to find the mode, it's kind of the same thing like trying to find the volume, area, and the perimeter, for me those are just difficult and confusing to remember.

                   In math, equations are hard for me too. Not really hard, but somewhat difficult. Like I can't explain how to find a  certain number, like fo example [ there are 28 boxes of candy, and there are 6 bars in each box. The school has to raise 500 dollars, how much does the candy bars cost? ]. Exactly, like that is very confusing for me, like I understand what it means I just don't know how to start solving it, I don't know the next step, it's just very difficult for me. Another thing is circles, like finding the circumference, and the radius. It's difficult seeing all those numbers, and not knowing what is which and what it is. 

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