So in my fifth and sixth period which is science, and computers, I'm doing a project which is the Zoo Project. At Computech we do this every year. The purpose of this is that when we go take a trip to the Chaffee Zoo, All of us seventh graders that are going have an animal that they are assigned too, and we have to study and write about them. For example, everyone in groups of four are assigned to one animal and they go get information about them at the zoo. Like me, and my group we got assigned to find information about a Alpaca which is somewhat related to a Llama. 
                        In my project about the Alpaca, I learned alot of stuff about them. I learned that the female Alpacas hum to attract the Male Alpacas when trying to mate. I know That The male Alpacas fight to make them look stronger so that the female Alpacas would be attracted to them. Both female and male Alpacas spit or scream when theya re terrified. The thing you should know about the Male Alpacas, is that they are very very protective. If you ever get near his Female Alpaca or his little babies, he will attack. They will thrust their head into your ribcage, their heads are as hard as a rock, they have little bumps on their heads which are similiar to the Giraffes head. But anyways they would also spit on a person to show that they are being disliked, or if they want that person to go away.
                       Alpacas are extremely rare, well some of them. The ones that are rare are the ones that have really nice fur. Which means that the fur will never get tangled and is just smoothly flat. Those are the Alpacas that would get slaughtered for their fur which is e

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