Long ago, back In Europe there was a disease called the Black Death. It Was horrible, first it started off in Chine. The rats got infected and they carried the disease. The disease was just so deadly, it almost killed everyone in the whole Europe, Middle Easy, And China. The Black Death starts off by getting infected by the rat, you just a have a fever, then all of a sudden you start to get these warts, so big they look like eggs. They have puss, and blood inside. It is heard that it feels as if someone had put a burning pot on your face and left it there. When the warts pop, you lose a lot of blood.
                 This Disease went around so fast, mostly everyone started to catch it. When someone had the Black Death, usually they'll fall down and stay down, people would just walk past them and ignore them, they are left to die. Once they die they are thrown in the fire to burn. There were so many wildfires to because when they started to burn people, they burned so much people that the fire got so high. There was no cure for the Black Death, onece you catch it you have it until you die.
Some men go around to sell products that actually don't even work at all but will do anything to make people think it works so that they can b
                Long ago, back in Europe they had crusades. Those are like arguments but between who should rule and who should not. King Henry and Pope Gregory were between crusades, because King Henry got jealous of all the loyal Pope Gregory has been achieving. When Pope Gregory became the new pope because he had permission, everything was fine. Until King Henry got jealous because he had a bigger house, better people who show him more respect. He had more leaders. Then finally, The king didn't like it anymore, he wanted to be the man of the whole Europe and he believed that he should be the only one who should rule so he had his knights to have Pope Gregory be banned from being pope. When Pope Gregory heard about this, he called many nobles who all together were more powerful then the king over throw King Henry out. He didn't want to be thrown out, he wanted to be king until he dies, but Pope Gregory has over thrown him out. With all of that, King Henry still wanted to be king so begged and begged Pope Gregory to forgive him , but he didn't want to. So then King Henry begged and waited three days outside from where Pope Gregory lived, even in the snow and begged. He truely wanted to be king, so eventually Pope Gregory forgave him and gave him permission to be King again, and for that King Henry had to promise not to do that ever again and they became a good team of leading Europe.
                           There I as laying down in my king sized bed, I've already had breakfast since the servants served me. My Father, was King of Europe. He was so powerful, though he wanted to talk to me about something. He took me out in the back garden, and told me something that I couldn't believe. He wanted me to marry already, I said I was only thirteen though. He didn't quitre agree, he didn't care what I said, he wanted what was best for our family. I didn't even know the boy who I shall marry, my father said that I don't have choice but too marry him. 
                           My father said he lived very far away from where we lived, I didn't want to move away. What if I didn't love this man. My father said I must learn to love because what I would do to marry will make our family more known and loyal and rich. I didn't want to marry though, I was young, I was thirteen. I absolutely didn't want to marry or move anywhere at all. 
So the night when he said that we were going to pick ut a gown because we were getting married next week, I packed all the things I needed, Though I didn't take any gowns. I ran away. I told him I didn't want to marry at all, especially a man I do not know, a stranger. 
          If he was a man I knew I would marry, and love him with all of my dearest heart. But I didn't so that's what I did. When I ran away, I went to the village, I couldn't get caught so I wore a cape, a beautiful cape that my mother had given me when I was younger. I didn't know where else to go because all my family live in the castle, nor I had much family that lived in the vllgae. I never been out here before so I was terribly lost. 
                         When i went to a dark alley, a place where it was quiet, I set my things there and I layed. While rsting with my eyes closed I heard men on horses saying that the princess had been kidnapped. I quickly didn't react but I ran away into the forest. I was scared, everything everywhere was so mistly. Then I saw a black shadow, which I thought was a ghost I ran away, It followed me, chased me. I fell to the ground.
                    There was this boy, he didn't know his name. His mom actually died today which was long ago. He was a poor boy, Of course he didn't know how to read, He didn't have no father niether. His mom was the only guardian he had to protect him. Now he doesn't know what to do because no one will take care of him. For his sake there was this man named John Acliff. He didn't have any feelings nor did he care about the boy. He tried to kill Crispin, but that he knew he should run away. He ran away but not far along, when it reached midnight, he slowly slithered to the church where the priest was. He was the man that helped Crispin bury his mother at the cementary. 
                    He told the priest what John was trying to do, but he already knew. He wanted to help Crispin,so he gave him little bread for food and he left right away to the forest again because John was on his way to the church. Someone told John that they had seen Crispin go to the church so right when he heard that he dashed straight to the church without a single glance back. But before John even got there, Crispin was gone in the woods to run away, Crispin gave one glance back and then saw the priest with a slit in his neck, pouring blood. John killed the priest.
                    When Crispin kept runing, he finally fell asleep in the frest, The next day he woke up he saw a male figure standing in the fog. But then he realized that it wasn't just a old man, it was a daead man. A corpse. He was hanging there, There was a sign there, but Crispin didn't even know how to read so he just took a path that lead to some sun. When he reached this village, it was all torn down, everything collapsed. All of a sudden, he started to he a man singing a tune, so he looked for where that singing was coming from. He realized it was a old man singing, he didn't want the old man to see him so he quietly just looked and stared. The man finally saw him, and put Crispin in a terrible position, he's trapped.