If your wondering why Muhammad had so may people on his side about him rulind the Allah and being the prophet, listening to this for a while. Muhhammad was just a man that was calm, he had a wife that long loved him so much. One day they got into a argument so he took a walk out side for a while. He'd always go into this cave where he just sat and thought about the good things. One day, A man dressed in white, he was a gods messager as what he said. He told Muhammad to spread the word of the appearance. Muhhamad did as he was told but, Whol would believe a guy that asid gods messenger came up to him. Some people thought he was crazy, but his wife believed him. What I have not told you is that, the gods messanger wanted Muhammad to spread the word that you should only belive in one god. Many people disagreed with him, They even kicked him out of Mecca. He had some followers so they followed him to the other part of mecca to still spread out these words.
                    Many people started to believe him, so he had more followers than he had at mecca. So many of Them were christian to. Sooner qas this had became such a big arguemnt, This had become a rule for all christianity, All christianity had to believe in only one god, Who was named Allah. If the people that were christian didn't want to believe in this, They could just changed their reliogion. Most Of them just did as Muhammad has said, So this is where They reliogion of the story came from.
        So , I am older
now and my uncle wants me to join and experience the trading position he is in .
I would join but my parents wouldn't allow me . They said that it can be very
dangerous, and they rather have me at home, but i dont think it is dangerous. I
would love to go out into the horizon traveling the world with him. I would
glance at everything no matter if it was dark or bright. I love to go out and
explore different places instead of being at home with me parents doing chores.
I really would love to go, but i knew to myself i can't just go out with my
uncle without my parents permission. I know I cannot disobey them like that ,
else I'd be punished. I asked my parents if i can go but they replied with a big
fat "No" . I couldn't believe what i heard. Honestly, it made my heart sink. I
thought they would've approved but i guess not.
              That day came
when i saw my uncle packing up getting ready for the trip, he thought i was
going to be able to go with him, but i guess i have to tell him the truth. So i
told him and I knew his heart sank into pieces also. So he agreed and said okay.
I told him when i get a little older then i promise to go with you one day. He
smiled and took his journey, i was kinda jealous but i knew one day i would get
my turn just as he did. So months later he came back and told me so many stories
about his journey, they were great and I was so happy, i knew my day was almost
here . I smiled with joy and waited till that day would come.
                    Have you ever wondered what was the hottest places on earth? well accroding to my research Africa and the deserts were the hottest places on earth. The desert was the most harsh place to live, it was difficult for people to live there because there was mostly no food just a plain dry land that lastest for days. To this day, no one goes to live there it's just a site, but long ago in many regions, many people lived there. Some people died because of the hotness and there was no food. People would catch deseases easily because the hot air was so densed it can be humid and cause the person to die or be dehidrated. There was really nothing to eat, nothing could grow because the land was so dry, and there was no water to support the food to grow, and many people didn't have that much water to drink so many people would faint or pass out. According to this paragraph , many people long ago from islam lived there because so many people lived in the other places in islam whichis like mecca. Many people lived there like millions, so that's a reason why many people would move all the way over there. The people that lived there would have nimals but many of them died because of the weather. The weather never changfed, there was never one day where it was a
Way back long ago , they're was a Roman Empire .. It was a
rich and beautiful empire until they did something very terrible to the Goths
which were called The Barbarians . The Barbarians didnt have much food to eat so
they were really starving , they asked the romans for help but they said If they
wanted food they would have to take their children away and sell them Into
slavery . The barbarians didnt have no choice , they really needed food to eat
before most of them die . Since that happened , Barbarians wanted revenge , they
did everything to reach the romans empire . They first started in different
places . If I were to do a simulation of this whole process , I would Like to
probably be the invaders . Which were the barbarians . The romans actually In
some parts deserved to be punished , because of what they did to the Barbarians
. They had a war In many places , Fort example they went to Spain , and egypt
and all these other places to go steal their products or whatever they had .
They were desperate for soldiers , so they told the romans they'd give them
their products for the trade of soldiers . they needed their place to be
protected . Obviously , It didn't help , the barbarians were to stronq . They
were undefeated by any warriors , they fought hard for their revenge .
Do you know what happened on the day of September 11th ?
It was very devastating , It was terrifying and I bet you some of there familes
were very heart brokened . On September 11 , a plane had crashed ... many of
people had died during that crash , I'll put It this way , probably everyone on
the plane died . but this was long ago , It occured when I probably wasn't even
born ! , It affected me becausing knowing that one of your family members died
during that . I bet you would be sad too , this actually destroyed the land that
the plane had crashed Into , It started a fire and smoke everywhere ! , It
probably even had smoke floating everywhere and making the air pollution bad for
people to breath . If you need more details , I suggest you should go ask your
parents or whom ever you know that Is older , they should probably know because
this crash was very popular . From my estimate , It probably killed over 1,000
people Including children . Honestly I have no clue why they crashed , but my
guess was probably that the engine on the plane had died out which caused the
plane to crash .