Worst Experience ..

                  My worst experience in my seventh grade this year was being bullied by some of the eighth graders, they would always bully me in the locker room, especially my other friends too. I was really nervous to snitch on them because they have friends in high school and they said they would jump me. But then I couldn't handle it, I told my mom and she called my school, and now I'm perfectly fine. Another worst experience is when it was this one week of school, I had a really bad cough, like it was so bad. I would always have cough attacks in class and it was just so embarrassing. Everybodys all quiet, and the teacher is talking, and all of a sudden I start to cough and I'm really choking, I'm having a cough attack, I really hated cough attacks. They are just really embarrassing. Another worst experience this year was when I was a softball practice one time, and we were playing this one game, It was like you had to race someone. So when I was running to second base, I literally flew in the air and landed on my arm twisted. At first, it didn't hurt but as soon as I started to get up, my arm had so much pain in it, I started crying and I had to go to the nurse, I probably wouldn't have played the game that was like the next day! 

Best experience ..

               One of my best experiences in seventh grade this year was when I got my first boyfriend here. Well he wasn't my FIRST boyfriend, I meant FIRST like first boyfriend at this school. He was amazing , we had so much fun together in this year, but then he had to move to Kings Canyon Middle school because Computech was to far from his house. Another best thing that happened this year was when I made the softball team, I met the girls on the softball team, which soon became my team. I didn't know I'd actually make the team, but every since I did, it made my school year go faster, and I met some really cool girls on the team, I'm really close to them. It also catches attention, I mean who wouldn't want attention. Another fun thing that happened tis year was when I went to the fair with two of my best friends at this school. We had a blast over there, we actually saw a lot of kids from everyschool we knew, especially from Computech. Honestly, I wouldn't know what to do if I never came to Computech, I eventually think my life would've been different if I went to another school, especially if I didn't come o this school? I wouldn't have met these wonderful people I met over here at Computech, I'm glad I came to this school because this year was awesome.