Have you ever learned about the Chinese ? Well I bet most people out there that haven't learned of China think that it is only a country, and is only one land. But it is not, they actually have so many dynasties there, like the Song dynasty, Yang dynasty, and other types of Dynasties out there. China is the place where mostly everything was made at. That's why when you go to buy something like a product but not food, it is labeled, Made in china. 
Mostly everything was made in china, no most likely everything was invented in china. China invented so many things that are useful till this day, for example there is paper. They made paper out of the trees, but then Europe stole their idea and did that too, but still China invented it. 
                   They achieved so many things, but the one I Believe was the best was The Great Wall Of China. Why do I think it is so important ? I believe it was important because it protected China, and everyone who lived there from the bad people. The invaders would try to break the wall down but it was to hard for them. The wall was made hand made by bricks, and steel. It surrounds the whole China. It took so many years to build this. Many people, slaves died making this wall because it was so large, and people would get tired but they were forced to keep building. The guards, which are the people who watch out the people that are building the wall, If they see a person dying they would just force them to work until they die, and when they die the army people get new slaves and keep moving froard with the wall.                                    
                         So it's almost Thanksgiving, and I wanted to tell you guys three things that I am most thankful for. First I am mostly thankful for my mom, and Aunt because they are the only people that have been there for me, They turn my frowns upside down. They always cheer me up by taking me shopping, or Having a little talk and walk and then go to the movies or a restauraunt. They are the main people that have been there for me for like 24\7, they buy me clothes because without clothes I'd be left with nothing on. They feed me and my family and little brother, thye are just a really helpful people to be in our family. So I give so much thanks to them for this Thanksgiving.
                          The second thing i am thankful for is my friends. They hae also been there for me 24\7 even when I'm not at school. They text me, call me, come over to my house whenever they know somethings up. They always promise me that They will always have my back, like for example if there was ever a fight between me and someone, they would break it up if that ever happened, but I doubt I ever would in first place. They are like another version of my parents, they are just like my family. We always do everything together and have fun. 
                          The third thing I am thankful for is school. The teachers at my school help me by having a good future ahead o
                  Have you ever heard of people called the Griots? Of course not, becasue the was ages ago. To this day, most people know what Griots were, well only people that study history and the back then stories. Are you wondering what Griots are? Well griots are people back then that told other people stories, The ancient stories ony. Griots were known throughout their empire or wherever they are from. They tell stories that are importatnt but fake that tell a moral. If you want an example of a Griot, Griots are the people that told the stories from the one thousand and one nights to other people. Gtiots were ricvh by just telling stories to people. They had the most attention becasue people thought they knew everything and how this happened and why it happened and all this crazy things. 
                 Griots go around the whole world, they tell stories to other empires liek Mecca. The Griots are different kinds of religions, A Griot can be any race, but the story must be told correctly. Griots are mostly people that believe in their beliefs. They were so popular back then that some of the Griots got to tell the stories to the Emperors of the whole empire. Some griots had to go to jail or be killed by telling a story that was untrue, not factly untrue but if they tell the story inccorectly. That was another reason why soem people back then in those times werre afraid to be Griots. 
                 More people began to become Griots becasue they loved to listen to the stories and love to spread them also, Thats why back then their were so many griots, Some even caused wars becasue of them.                                   
                        Don't you just love fall? Fall is just a cool air weather everyday, So there's like so many things to do in Fall.
If I were to choose the best thing about fall, I would choose The Big Fresno Fair and Teen Jam. The Big Fresno Fair is the most funnest because you get to go and meet p with your friends, even the ones you haven't seen in a long time. You can go on all the scary and fun rides with them, because when I went to The Big Fresno Fair, I met up with all my friends from Tioga Middles School. I'm the only friend of that group that goes to Computech Middles School, but most of my friends go to Tioga. I met up with them and went on on the rides. There's mostly teenagers there, like everywhere I went I saw someone I knew. The Big Fresno Fair is fun especially when you go with your boyfriend or girlfriend becasue you get to play the little games and win them a prize. When I went to the Fair I stayed there until twelve o'clock, and then I went to Teen Jam. Teen Jam is like a party for only teenagers. It is only for teenagers from twelve to sixteen. this is located at blackbeards, Teen Jam always starts at twelve o'clock , It never starts before that. At Teen Jam we have snacks and other foods. They have music with is mostly rap or hip-hop. Everythime Teen Jam happens, a singer always comes. Like for example, we have Bazea, Jswagg, and Momo swaggson Come over and sing.