My favorite book I've read this year is called, '' The Boy Called It ". It was about a boy, he didn't have a name because he wasn't given a name by his mother. He has two older brothers, and a baby brother yet soon to come. The thing is, is that the boy is being abused. For some reason he is the child in the family that is less liked. No one in his family loves him or even cares for him except his dad. The thing is that his dad is a fireman. She really abuses him when his dad is not home. For example, she had him lay his arm on top of the stove for discipline, he didn't even do anything bad, he just wasn't on time to wash the dishes. I don't blame him because his mom has him walk home from school, she makes him wear the same clothes every single day. He doesn't even have any clothes but the clothes he's wearing which already has so many holes in it. His mom makes him starve, one time he dug through the trash can because he was so hungry he hadn't eaten for days, and when his mom got home he got caught. She made him eat dish wash soap. When she told him to mop the bathroom, she through some bad anorexic spray and suffocated him in the bathroom, she even stabbed him.
                     When he ate some raw chicken, becasue he was hungry he actually enjoyed it, when his mom found out she made him throw up.

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